Qubit Reset and Refresh: A Gamechanger for Random Number Generation

TitleQubit Reset and Refresh: A Gamechanger for Random Number Generation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsGermain, J, Dantu, R, Thompson, M
Conference NameTwelveth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY )
KeywordsQiskit, QRNG, Quantum Computing, Random Number Generator

Generation of random binary numbers for cryptographic use is often addressed using pseudorandom number generating functions in compilers and specialized cryptographic packages. Using the IBM’s Qiskit reset functionality, we were able to implement a straight-forward in-line Python function that returns a list of quantum-generated random numbers, by creating and executing a circuit on IBM quantum systems. We successfully created a list of 1000 1024-bit binary random numbers as well as a list of 40,000 25-bit binary random numbers for randomness testing, using the NIST Statistical Test Suite for Random and Pseudorandom Number Generators for Cryptographic Applications. The quantum-generated random data we tested showed very strong randomness, according to the NIST suite. Previously, IBM’s quantum implementation required a single qubit for each bit of data generated in a circuit, making generation of large random numbers impractical. IBM’s addition of the reset instruction eliminates this restriction and allows for the creation of functions that can generate a larger quantity of data-bit output, using only a small number of qubits.


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